Evaluation form ‘Spreken als een baas’ HomeEvaluatieformulier ‘Spreken als een baas’ ENG The training is done! We are very curious to find out how you experienced this training and would be very thankful if you’re willing to fill in the form below. You may do this anonymously, if you prefer. Thank you! Evaluation form Your name (optional)On behalf of which organization/company did you participate?requiredWho was your trainer?requiredMake your choiceMarkJoopArendHow did you experience the communication upfront from Sprekerscollectief? On a 1 to 10 scale, 10 being extremely satisfied.Make your choice12345678910What did you think of the preparations beforehand? How did it make you feel and what are your thoughts on the specific tasks.How did you experience the different exercises and practice moments?How did you experience the upgrades / feedback and were they at the desired level for you?Did you miss anything during this training?Do you already feel more comfortable speaking in public?Make your choiceDefinitelyYesNot reallyNo, I feel worse than beforeHow would you rate your trainer? On a 1 to 10 scale, 10 being very good.requiredMake your choice12345678910How would you rate this training? On a 1 to 10 scale, 10 being very good.requiredMake your choice12345678910What will stick with me the most out of this training is...Who, within your company/organization, would you recommend this training to?Anything else you want to share? Tips, compliments, suggestions.... (or even your favorite restaurant)